Kierunki kształcenia

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Technikum Architektury Krajobrazu

Technikum Hotelarstwa

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Technikum Żywienia i Usług




Dla kandydatów

Serwis maturzysty

Dla nauczycieli

Egzamin zawodowy


O Szkole


Historia Szkoły





Media o nas

Primus inter pares

Konkursy i olimpiady




Chór "Dzikowianie"

Samorząd Uczniowski

Liga Ochrony Przyrody

Szkolny Klub Sportowy

Klub Pracy "Kuźnia"

Firma Symulacyjna

Warsztaty Rysunku

Grupa Wsparcia "Jestem"

Kącik języka niemieckiego

Kącik języka rosyjskiego

Kącik języka francuskiego

Kącik języka angielskiego


Projekty unijne


Leonardo da Vinci







Publikacje nauczycieli

Prace uczniów

Dokumenty szkolne

Plan lekcji

Plan klas

Kalendarz szkolny

Archiwum 2013

Archiwum 2012

Archiwum 2011

Mapa strony








Kuratorium Oświaty 
w Rzeszowie dla uczniów
i rodziców












Dancing and singing band "Dzikowianie"




The beginning of “Dzikowianie” activity goes back to 50’s & 60’s. At school there existed a lot of forms of after lesson activities as: poetry group, music group, dancing group and choir leaded by mgr. Halina Aschembrener and prof. Mieczysław Sawarski. In 1960, the headteacher Mieczysław Wciślik, decided to create the group which would represent proudly the folklore of Tarnobrzeg area. To Tarnobrzeg have arrived the old members of Singing and Dancing group “Mazowsze”. Jan Kowalski and Marian Kielbowicz together with school management, they created the folk band with students as the members. The band was called “Ziemia Rzeszkowska” In 1961 in the Band there were dancing about 16 people and in choir singed about 40 students. In the band there were 8 musicians In 1964 the group went to Lvow to give concerts, this fact meant a huge respect for young people playing in the group, and high aristocratic grade. In that way the fame of school group from Dzikow in Tarnobrzeg started spreading. Finally the band was renamed “Dzikowianie”. The group was also called “small Mazowsze”.

School history

Information about school

Conntact informations

School Types


Dancing and singing band Dzikowianie"

In years between, 1960 – 1970 “Dzikowianie” gave concert in Poland and in countries like USRR, Czechoslovakia or Hungary. For their activity the group was frequently rewarded with certificates and many awards. Money from prizes were spent for new costumes. At the moment the choir is leaded by Mr. Mieczysław Woźniak.


On photos below you can see band in the past, and in the present.


"Dzikowianie" in the past...






"Dzikowianie" in the present...






















Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 2 w Tarnobrzegu

ul. Kopernika 18  39-400 Tarnobrzeg

tel. fax 158225557