Kierunki kształcenia

Technikum Ekonomiczne

Technikum Architektury Krajobrazu

Technikum Hotelarstwa

Technikum Spedycji

Technikum Żywienia i Usług




Dla kandydatów

Serwis maturzysty

Dla nauczycieli

Egzamin zawodowy


O Szkole


Historia Szkoły





Media o nas

Primus inter pares

Konkursy i olimpiady




Chór "Dzikowianie"

Samorząd Uczniowski

Liga Ochrony Przyrody

Szkolny Klub Sportowy

Klub Pracy "Kuźnia"

Firma Symulacyjna

Warsztaty Rysunku

Grupa Wsparcia "Jestem"

Kącik języka niemieckiego

Kącik języka rosyjskiego

Kącik języka francuskiego

Kącik języka angielskiego


Projekty unijne


Leonardo da Vinci







Publikacje nauczycieli

Prace uczniów

Dokumenty szkolne

Plan lekcji

Plan klas

Kalendarz szkolny

Archiwum 2013

Archiwum 2012

Archiwum 2011

Mapa strony








Kuratorium Oświaty 
w Rzeszowie dla uczniów
i rodziców












Types of schools




The Secondary Technical School of Economics


Education in this type of school  prepares you to work in all the fields where knowledge and skills from accountancy and economy are needed.  After graduating this school you may be a cashier, a  storekeeper, an administration worker or manager assistant.


School history

Information about school

Conntact informations

School Types


Dancing and singing band Dzikowianie"

The Secondary Technical College of Agricultural Business


Education in this type of school prepares you to undertake your own business activity and to work in agribusiness concerns, which require knowledge and skills from productivity, economy, management and marketing.




The Secondary Technical School of Nourishing

and Household


Education in this type of school prepares you to professional customer service or for undertaking your own business activity connected with gastronomy. After graduating this school you will be able to organize a meal  production process, or you can apply for a job in institutions connected with gastronomy and catering, nourishing or healthy food. 





The Secondary School of Hotel Management


In that type of school you can gain knowledge and skills from planning and designing hotel insides, organizing recreational and tourist events, managing hotels and gastronomical business, preparing dishes and customer service. After graduating the school students are supposed to speak two foreign languages  fluently, they can also undertake their own business as hotel, restaurant etc.





The Secondary School of Landscape Architecture


Education in this type of school gives you the knowledge how to design “ green” areas as gardens etc. You will also learn how to organize and take care after environment and especially about landscape in Poland and the whole world. The classes include painting and drawing lessons. After graduating this school you will be able to undertake your own business connected with landscape architecture or you can work in landscape designing institutions.






Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 2 w Tarnobrzegu

ul. Kopernika 18  39-400 Tarnobrzeg

tel. fax 158225557