Kierunki kształcenia

Technikum Ekonomiczne

Technikum Architektury Krajobrazu

Technikum Hotelarstwa

Technikum Spedycji

Technikum Żywienia i Usług




Dla kandydatów

Serwis maturzysty

Dla nauczycieli

Egzamin zawodowy


O Szkole


Historia Szkoły





Media o nas

Primus inter pares

Konkursy i olimpiady




Chór "Dzikowianie"

Samorząd Uczniowski

Liga Ochrony Przyrody

Szkolny Klub Sportowy

Klub Pracy "Kuźnia"

Firma Symulacyjna

Warsztaty Rysunku

Grupa Wsparcia "Jestem"

Kącik języka niemieckiego

Kącik języka rosyjskiego

Kącik języka francuskiego

Kącik języka angielskiego


Projekty unijne


Leonardo da Vinci







Publikacje nauczycieli

Prace uczniów

Dokumenty szkolne

Plan lekcji

Plan klas

Kalendarz szkolny

Archiwum 2013

Archiwum 2012

Archiwum 2011

Mapa strony








Kuratorium Oświaty 
w Rzeszowie dla uczniów
i rodziców












School history




The beginning of the agricultural school


On 2 December 1944  Agricultural Secondary School for Male and Female  was formed in  Dzików's residence.  The castle of count Tarnowski with other buildings was given for needs of the school. The school at first was situated in the right part of the palace, the remaining rooms were occupied  by the National District Committee in Tarnobrzeg and the boarding-school.

Marian Połowicz was an organizer, and then the first head teacher. The beginning was very difficult. There wasn't the basic equipment of the school, teaching aids, textbooks, there were no programmes of teaching, qualified teachers.

31 schoolchildren began their education  on 1 March 1945. Not all of them had adequate preparation to education at secondary school, therefore one organized preparatory courses  on which one taught: the religion, Polish language, history, mathematics, chemistry, physics, geography, biology and hygiene. The  teaching staff consisted of head teacher, several resident  and several non-resident teachers from grammar school.  On 1 September 1945 the school changed the name on Secondary School of the Rural Farm in Dzików.

School history

Information about school

Conntact informations

School Types


Dancing and singing band Dzikowianie"




Short history of school patron


Wojciech Bartosz Glowacki (1758–1794), known also as Bartosz Głowacki, was a Polish peasant and the most famous member of the scythers (peasant volunteer infantry) during the Kościuszko Uprising in 1794. Born as Wojciech Bartosz, he became a Polish national hero during the battle of Racławice on 4 April 1794, when he captured a Russian cannon by putting out the fuse with his hat. For this, he was promoted to the rank of warrant officer and received a surname 'Głowacki'. He was mortally wounded during the battle of Szczekociny on 6 June that year. Since that he has become one of the symbols of the Uprising and Polish valor.

























Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 2 w Tarnobrzegu

ul. Kopernika 18  39-400 Tarnobrzeg

tel. fax 158225557